IHHT training program


IHHT (Intermittent Hypoxic-Hyperoxic Therapy) is a simulated therapy involving intervals of hypoxia and hyperoxia and is conducted while resting. The user, comfortably seated or lying down, breathes alternating hypoxic and hyperoxic air. Hypoxic air (high-altitude air) has a lower oxygen concentration, while hyperoxic air is enriched with a higher oxygen concentration. Breathing is done through a mask according to the pre-programmed IHHT protocol, with the user fully relaxed and calm.

Before use, connect to the system via a phone or tablet and set the protocol. In addition to the IHHT protocol, there is a manual mode, which allows users to choose hypoxic air or oxygen at any desired duration, creating their own interval outside of the pre-programmed protocol. While the system is primarily designed for IHHT, the hyper-hypo generator, combined with certain accessories (tent, mask set, etc.), can also be used for traditional altitude training (sleep, exercise, IHT).


Intermittent exposure to hypoxia triggers the body’s adaptive response to low oxygen levels, resulting in:

  • Increased mitochondrial efficiency, reducing oxidative stress
  • Enhanced cellular energy production by improving mitochondrial function
  • Improved oxygen transfer and utilization throughout the body
  • Enhanced cell regeneration capacity
  • Increased blood flow to muscles and tissues through improved circulation
  • A strengthened immune system
  • Increased EPO, hemoglobin, and myoglobin levels, facilitating higher oxygen transport to cells.
  • Enhanced physical energy on a molecular level
  • Increased growth hormone secretion
  • Improved metabolism and blood sugar regulation
  • Improved hormonal, immune, and nervous system function
  • Protocol is also effective in alleviating asthma, diabetes, sleep disorders, and chronic diseases
  • It can be used when the user is injured or ill.

The primary biological effect of IHHT therapy operates on the cellular level and influences oxygen-related bodily processes:

  • Reducing ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species): Excessive ROS can cause oxidative stress, damaging cells, proteins, and DNA, and are linked to aging and the development of various diseases, including cardiovascular and neurological disorders. IHHT reduces oxidative stress, thus protecting cells from damage.
  • Activation of hypoxia-sensitive genes, such as erythropoietin (a hormone promoting red blood cell production) and growth factors (molecules that stimulate cell and tissue growth). IHHT thus helps the body manage oxygen deficiency more effectively, promoting tissue regeneration and red blood cell formation.
  • Improvement in mitochondrial quality Mitochondria are cellular organelles responsible for energy production, and when they function poorly, cells become less efficient and more susceptible to damage and disease. IHHT aids in removing damaged mitochondria and stimulates the formation of new, healthy ones, essential for disease prevention and treatment, as healthy mitochondria ensure efficient cellular function and lower the risk of various diseases, including neurodegenerative and metabolic conditions.

The main biological impact of IHHT therapy is cell protection against oxidative stress, enhancement of the body’s response to hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), and optimization of mitochondrial function. All of this contributes to improved cellular and bodily health, aiding in disease prevention and treatment.


Hypoxia in mitochondria typically triggers the formation of by-products in cellular respiration, which can disrupt metabolism as mitochondria continue to attempt energy production. However, IHHT, as an interval-based therapy with brief, alternating exposure to hypoxia, enables the body to gradually adapt to low oxygen levels. This process leads to enhanced mitochondrial efficiency, as the body develops mechanisms to utilize oxygen more effectively and manage ROS, reducing oxidative stress..

The metabolism adapts to become more efficient in using available oxygen, including improved mitochondrial function, which enables the production of more energy from less oxygen. This adaptation to hypoxia increases the body’s resistance to stress, both physical and emotional, helping maintain internal stability even in stressful situations. IHHT thus aids the body in better managing energy and oxygen, enhancing its resilience to stress.

Controlled hypoxia, triggered during IHHT, activates the endogenous defense mechanism, influencing a wide range of bodily processes, from gene adaptation to cellular and tissue function. It activates numerous protective mechanisms in the body, adjusting by regulating genes sensitive to oxygen deficiency, leading to cellular, tissue, and organ-level changes.

IHHT affects a process known as mitochondrial biogenesis, where new mitochondria are formed, and mitophagy, the process of removing damaged or ineffective mitochondria. This can be seen as an internal quality control, achieved by balancing the removal of damaged and nonfunctional mitochondria with the creation of new, “healthy” ones. This balance is crucial, as it allows cells to maintain optimal function and energy efficiency.

A healthy mitochondrial system ensures that damaged or dysfunctional mitochondria are removed while new ones are generated according to the cell’s needs. If the mitochondrial system functions poorly, it can lead to chronic health issues such as diabetes, digestive disorders, dementia, heart failure, muscle weakness, etc. Symptoms depend on the affected cells’ state, ranging from mild to severe, and are often mistaken for more common diagnoses.




IHHT holds potential for an active, independent life even in old age, as this simple and safe method, with a significant impact on mitochondria, has proven to enhance cognitive function and physical performance in older populations.


IHHT has been popular among elite and other athletes for some time, as research shows that cell-level therapy enables faster recovery and improved athletic performance, especially for athletes facing seasonal fatigue and overtraining. The therapy also enhances the pulmonary-circulatory system and effectively removes metabolic by-products (lactate). 



Chronic fatigue is often linked to mitochondrial dysfunction and is frequently diagnosed as burnout. IHHT, as an extremely effective method for managing stress and burnout, offers a solution by restoring mitochondria, improving individual health, and thereby contributing to the socio-economic well-being of the entire community. 


IHHT therapy shows promising results in managing metabolic syndrome and other metabolic issues, positively influencing metabolic processes by reducing excess body weight, regulating cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. This may benefit individuals dealing with obesity, hypertension, and insulin resistance, as metabolic disorders pose a complex health problem for an increasing population.





Medisport AltitudeTraining
SI-1215, Slovenia

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